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Pay Per Click (PPC) Management

PPC Marketing

Pay Per Click (PPC) is used to INCREASE conversions, in which an advertiser pays a publisher when the ad is clicked.
  • Pay-per-click, along with cost per impression (CPM) and cost per order, is used to assess the cost-effectiveness and profitability of internet marketing and drive the cost of running advertisement campaigns as low as possible while retaining set goals.
  • Pay-per-click (PPC) has an advantage over cost per impression in that it conveys information
    about how effective the advertising was.
Video Advertising
Advertising your business by adding videos to the website so that customers get a more proper idea.
Remarketing & Retargeting
Remarketing is the practice of re-engaging current and past customers for generating sales and Retargeting is the practice of identifying users who have interacted with your website in the past and targeting them.
Social Advertising
Grow your business with social media advertising by reaching people on social media through social media ads.
Display Advertising
Advertising the product or the service by displaying on google ads.
PPC Management Provided
Social Advertising Projects
Successful PPC Remarketings
Successful PPC Remarketings

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